Big Changes At Plane & Pilot
New editor Isabel Goyer explains the reinvention of a beloved brand
Last summer when Plane & Pilot was sold to a newcomer in aviation media, some were worried that a favorite aviation title might be on the way out. The concerns were short-lived, as new owner Madavor Media made a number of early moves demonstrating that it was serious about not just keeping Plane & Pilot alive, but in reinventing it as well.
Big news came in October when Madavor announced that it had hired award winning aviation editor Isabel Goyer to serve as VP and editor in chief of a new aviation division with Plane & Pilot as the flagship title.
Goyer, who was formerly editor in chief at Flying magazine, recently spoke about the move. "When I met the folks at Madavor Media," Goyer said, "the chemistry was perfect. Madavor gets it. They understand that great content is not just important. Ultimately, it's all that matters. Hence, my job at Plane & Pilot is simple. Help connect our Plane & Pilot readers with the best aviation writers, photographers, artists, and storytellers in the world."
Goyer came to Plane & Pilot in late October, and during that time he's been working behind the scenes assembling a starring cast to make the magic happen. "It's impossible to be a pilot connected to the aviation community today and not see big changes in the way we communicate with each other," Goyer said, "Plane & Pilot is commemorating its 50th anniversary this year, but the theme won't be reliving the past but celebrating the future of aviation and of this great brand."
"The idea is to retain the great things about Plane & Pilot while creating a whole new world of content around that core. To that end, I'm delighted to announce that Jessica Ambats will continue to bring her photographic and writing prowess to the pages of Plane & Pilot. Likewise legendary aviation journalist Bill Cox will continue to bring his wisdom and experience to our pages, and fan favorite Patty Wagstaff will keep telling her literally hair-raising tales of life on the edge of the envelope. In every case, the new Plane & Pilot will give these professionals the freedom and mission to do their greatest work yet."
While a key core of talent will remain at Plane & Pilot, Goyer explained that there will be widespread changes to the brand, a complete magazine and website redesign within the next couple of months, including many, many new writers and photographers, and a commitment to great new content. "My goal is simple. Tell great stories. Share great images. Inspire, instruct and enlighten." Plane & Pilot's newly redesigned magazine is due out in May. "It won't be a makeover but a core change. With the May issue, the look and feel of Plane & Pilot will change fundamentally. "
The core of the team is growing too. Joining Plane & Pilot as associate editor is the multi-talented Erika Armstrong, an ATP and published author who brings great writing talent, wit and perspective to Plane & Pilot along with an enthusiasm for the job of reinventing a great brand.
Goyer added that there are several additional major announcements coming. "This is the most exciting creative opportunity I've ever had the chance to undertake," Goyer said. "The wealth of talent in aviation is tremendous, and the response we've gotten to this great experiment has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic."
"These renewals with our talented alums and our recruiting new world-class talents are just a few of the exciting announcements we have in store for the readers of Plane & Pilot," said Goyer. "Keep your eyes open for more big news soon!"

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