Champion 7FC Crash In Delaware

Champion 7FC Georgetown, Delaware Injuries: 1 While about 10 feet above the runway during landing, the airplane was struck by a gust of wind that pushed it to the right…

NTSB Accident Brief

NTSB Accident Brief

Champion 7FC

Georgetown, Delaware

Injuries: 1

While about 10 feet above the runway during landing, the airplane was struck by a gust of wind that pushed it to the right of the runway centerline while banking it to the right. The pilot responded by applying left rudder and full engine power to initiate a go-around. The airplane continued to descend, and the right wing impacted the ground, substantially damaging it. The pilot reported that there were no mechanical malfunctions or failures of the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.

Probable cause(s): The pilot's failure to maintain airplane control while on landing in gusting crosswind conditions.

Note: The report republished here is from the NTSB and is printed verbatim and in its complete form. 

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