STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 1,250. Empty wt. 624. Fuel capacity 25. Wingspan 20’6″. Length 18’11”. Engine 115-hp Lycoming. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 195. Cruise mph 166. Stall mph 53. Climb rate…

STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 1,250. Empty wt. 624. Fuel capacity 25. Wingspan 20'6". Length 18'11". Engine 115-hp Lycoming.
PERFORMANCE: Top mph 195. Cruise mph 166. Stall mph 53. Climb rate 1,300. Ceiling 13,000. Takeoff run 450. Landing roll 350. Range 750.

Plans for the Cougar were first handled by its designer, Robert Nesmith, and subsequently by EAA. First flown in 1957, the Cougar is a high-wing, enclosedcabin, sporting monoplane that resembles the Whitman Tailwind to a small degree. The wing's all-wood twospar structure is covered with plywood and fabric. The fuselage is a fabric-covered steel-tube framework. The conventional landing gear can be fitted with optional main-gear fairings. Inside the cabin, seating is for two in a side-by-side fashion with dual controls.

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