How Many TBMs Can Fit Inside A Volkswagen?

Not even one, but we do know how many of the pretty turboprop singles can fit on a small FBO ramp in San Antonio

At the TBM Owners and Pilots Association (TBMOPA) convention in San Antonio last week, there was a record number of TBMs gathered---117 in all. The gathering, which took place at the San Antonio Hill Country Resort, included 325 participants and covered topics on basic safety with an emphasis on avoiding loss of control.

Photo by Peter Stratton

Daher, the company that manufactures the TBM, gave a number of presentations, as well, including on the many retrofit options available to owners of older TBMs, including the addition of gear doors, the retrofit of the Garmin G1000 NXi flight deck, and an update of the oxygen system.

Next year's TBMOPA Convention will be held September 12-15, in Greenbrier Valley, West Virginia.

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