May 2007

VFR Communications DVD (Sporty’s, 2006, ID# D993A). Designed to help pilots converse competently with radio control, this DVD allows viewers to “ride along” on three flight scenarios (in a Piper…

VFR Communications DVD (Sporty's, 2006, ID# D993A). Designed to help pilots converse competently with radio control, this DVD allows viewers to "ride along" on three flight scenarios (in a Piper Pacer, a glass-panel Cirrus and a Cessna 210) to experience the full range of communication skills required for every type of flight in VFR airspace. A variety of airports are covered, including rural nontowered fields and busy Class B airspace.
Microsoft Flight Simulator As A Training Aid by Bruce Williams (ASA, 2007, ISBN: 9781560276708). Microsoft Flight Simulator has inspired thousands of "gamers" to pursue flight training in real life, and it has provided certificated pilots with hours of instructional entertainment. PC-based simulations have been around for awhile, but Microsoft Flight Simulator in particular can enhance flight training and enable pilots to maintain proficiency. Applicable to both Flight Simulator 2004 and Version X, the book merges the virtual world of flight simulation with real life flight training. The book comes with a companion CD that offers more than 150 VFR and IFR practice flights.

Clear Left, I'll Have the Chicken: An Airline Captain Looks at Life by Kevin Garrison (iUniverse, 2006, ISBN: 0595422586). Kevin Garrison, a 777 pilot and a contributor to this very magazine, has written a lighthearted and humorous look at the world of professional flying. A professional pilot for 32 years, Garrison has flown everything from Champs to Boeing 777s. Though it's written by an aviation lover, the insightful anecdotes and stories will touch even nonpilots. The book is a collection of columns, humor pieces, satires, piloting advice and memories from 26 years of airline flying.

Air Traffic Control Career Prep by Patrick Mattson (ASA, 2006, ISBN: 9781560276142). According to some reports, as many as 11,800 new air traffic controllers will be needed over the next 10 years. Controllers can earn high salaries, get great benefits and are clearly in demand. Mattson details this career and attempts to help readers improve their chances of earning a high score on the pre-employment "AT-SAT" test. This is a comprehensive guide to one of the best-paying careers with the federal government. A bonus CD-ROM helps readers get familiar with and practice the tests in the AT-SAT.

Everything Explained For The Professional Pilot, 4th Edition by Richie Lengel (Aviation-Press, 2007, ISBN: 0974261300). Written in easy-to-follow, easy-to-read outline style, this fun and fresh approach to aviation is now available in its fourth incarnation. Lengel goes into extraordinary detail to explain the complete spectrum of modern aviation, and adds a touch of irreverent humor. This book is for both student pilots and senior airline captains.

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