NASA Software Catalog Released
Hundreds of free NASA-developed software programs are now available to the public
It goes without saying that NASA software is developed by some of the best minds in the country. So how can you get access to their top-of-the-line code without breaking the bank? As it turns out, quite easily.
NASA is offering hundreds of pieces of its software, all free, in its 2017-2018 software catalog. Software applications include crew and life support, constructing quieter aircraft, air traffic management tools, and atmospheric modeling, to name just a bit of what's available.
"The software catalog is our way of supporting the innovation economy by granting access to tools used by today's top aerospace professionals to entrepreneurs, small businesses, academia and industry," said Steve Jurczyk, associate administrator for NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) in Washington. "Access to these software codes has the potential to generate tangible benefits that create American jobs, earn revenue and save lives."
This is the software catalog's third edition. The first was released in April 2014. While all of the software is free of charge, some of it requires a release to use. The release forms are available online and NASA says its aim is to make the process "as quick, easy and straightforward as possible."
Explore the 2017-2018 NASA Software Catalog.
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