NBAA 2019: Pilatus Unveils New PC-12
Big changes for the incredibly rugged and roomy single.
At NBAA, Pilatus unveiled the latest version of its PC-12 NGX, an update of the seminal rugged pressurized turboprop single made in Switzerland. This is just the third big version change for the plane, which was introduced in 1994 and of which Pilatus has hand-built more than 1,700.
The NGX incorporates a host of new features while still retaining the character of the original very strongly. As have other turboprop single makers, Pilatus with its latest update has made the PC-12, a complex aircraft to fly single-pilot, more user-friendly. The avionics suite is sleek, beautiful, colorful and totally modern, featuring touch screens, as well as a cursor control device.
The other big user advance is FADEC with autothrottle. The digital engine control also features propeller control. And the legendary PT-6 has more oomph, too, with 1,825 shp, for much better cruise and climb. The book cruise for the plane is 285 knots, and early reports are that it does even better than that.
Finally, the interior, which was already very nice, has gotten an update as well, with a brand-new interior reimagining from BMW. It's really slick.
Look for a flight report on the PC-12 NGX in a coming edition of Plane & Pilot.
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