We Want to Publish Your Flying Story!
Seeking contributions for our Lessons Learned column.
If you're like us, then flying is one of the most important things in the world to you. And it doesn't take long, usually soon after our first solo, if not before, that we begin to learn new things literally on the fly. We learn about flying, for sure, but we also learn about life, really important things, too. Flying opens up worlds to us, and not just in a geographic sense either. In our long-running "Lessons Learned About Flying (and about life)" column, our reader/authors tell their stories about a flight that changed their life, sometimes because they came close to disaster, like one writer who hit a submerged log in a seaplane while far, far away from civilization, or another who got lost in a giant dust storm and had to improvise to find his way. Other times that story is about how flying changed your overall life, like our reader who shared the story of how a chance encounter with a professional bizjet pilot gave him a career and a new path in life.
If you have a story about a big lesson you learned in life from flying, and we all have those stories, we'd love to publish it. We pay a small honorarium and the story gets illustrated by our award-winning artist, Gabriel Campanario.
The stories should be between 1,200 and 1,500 words long and make clear what your lesson was and how you learned it. To submit your story to Plane & Pilot email, editor@plane&pilotmag.com, and please be sure to put the word SUBMISSION in the send line of your email so we're sure to spot it.

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