STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 1,400. Empty wt. 900. Fuel capacity 22. Wingspan 30′. Length 19’6″. Engine 65- to 85-hp Continental. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 131. Cruise mph 115. Stall mph 65….
STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 1,400. Empty wt. 900. Fuel capacity 22. Wingspan 30'. Length 19'6". Engine 65- to 85-hp Continental. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 131. Cruise mph 115. Stall mph 65. Climb rate 750. Range 580. Ceiling 13,000. Takeoff run 800. Landing roll 700. |
The intention was that Wendt Traveler would be a high performance cross-country ship with a max range of more than 500 miles, a sea-level rate of climb of 700 fpm, and a ceiling of 17,000 feet. The prototype was built largely of wood to make it simple for homebuilders. Seating was tandem style to reduce form drag. At 2,450 RPM, the WH-1 Traveler cruised at better than 120 mph at 300 feet MSL, stalled at 65 IAS, clean and climbed at 500 fpm with two people onboard. The wings were detachable using NACA 643A-418 with an 18-percent thickness. Both the fuselage and wings were built of wood, the tailcone formed of 1/8-inch mahogany plywood over 7/8-inch spruce longerons. Wooden wing spars were used, and the forward 37 percent of chord covered with mahogany ply forming a D-box. The spring-steel landing gear is similar to the Wittman type, bolted to the wing carry-through structure. Wendt originally used a McCauley cruise prop of 71-inch diameter and 48-inch pitch.

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