Were “Leaked”UFO Videos Real?
The Navy weighs in on the mystery. You might be surprised at what they said and how they said it.
When we reported recently on the existence of F/A-18 Super Hornet weapons cam footage of what appear to be UFOs, we discussed the possibility of the cam footage being faked. After taking its sweet time, the US Navy has responded to demands that it come clean about the claimed encounters.
In the footage, Navy pilots are pursuing a craft---you can actually see it on the footage, and the "flying saucer" cliché isn't far from the truth---only to find that it is doing things that no known aircraft has ever done. It was, in fact, doing things that we are not even close to having the technology to do, or at least that we admit we have.
In a story in Time Magazine online, the Navy admitted that the videos were the real McCoy and not hoaxed by some tech savvy believer. And the Navy went farther than that, too, saying the encounters are frequent. The spokesman stopped short of saying what the objects were, though he did float the theory that they might be drones, yes, drones that can accelerate at hypersonic speeds that leave Super Hornets in their wake!yeah, drones like that.
We wonder if DJI will start selling these drones soon, and if so, how much. Checking Amazon now.
The Navy also made the spectacular claim that the reason they're investigating the UFOs---they prefer the term Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon---is because they're entering our military airspace. One might think that the military would interested because the UAPs might be from outer space or that they might represent quantum leap technology from a foe. But, no, they see it as an airspace violation issue. Scramble the F-16s! Wait, wrong branch!

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