Accident Brief: Diamond DA40 Crash In Mesa, Arizona
The pilot reported that, he intended to do touch-and-goes in the local traffic pattern. While on the downwind leg, the air traffic controller cleared him to land. During the landing…

The pilot reported that, he intended to do touch-and-goes in the local traffic pattern. While on the downwind leg, the air traffic controller cleared him to land. During the landing roll, past the halfway point on the runway, he increased the engine power to full to takeoff and told the controller that he was doing a "go-around". The controller immediately instructed him to exit the runway on to the last taxiway so the pilot "cut the entire power", applied brakes and full right rudder, but the airplane skidded, exited the runway and impacted a concrete barrier.
The airplane sustained substantial damage to the forward, lower fuselage.
The flight safety officer reported that there were no preaccident mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.
The pilot added that he wanted to do touch and goes but did not accurately communicate his intentions to the air traffic controller.
Probable cause(s): The pilot's decision to abort a go-around with insufficient runway remaining to safely stop the airplane, which resulted in a loss of control, runway excursion and impact with a concrete barrier.
Note: The report republished here is from the NTSB and is printed verbatim and in its complete form.

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