Just The Facts, Aviation News Roundup For The Week Of October 5, 2020

Industry forecasters are downbeat, a very cool new supersonic demonstrator, a pair of tragic GA crashes, and a pair of new events’€”one virtual, one not.

ACH130 Aston Martin Edition helicopter

ACH130 Aston Martin Edition helicopter

Boeing issued a downbeat forecast for commercial aviation, saying that it expects full recovery of the industry to take years, with aircraft deliveries falling 10% over the next decade compared to last year's bullish forecast.

Boom Supersonic unveiled the scale prototype of its supersonic airliner, which it calls Overture. The XB-1 proof of concept is a human-piloted scale version, just over 70 feet in length, and powered by a pair of GE J85 engines. Boom expects to fly the demonstrator next year toward an ambitious 2025 entry into service of Overture.

A newly married couple died when the Beech Bonanza they were flying in crashed in high terrain just outside of Telluride, Colorado. Killed in the crash were Costas John Sivyllis, 30, a pilot at United Airlines, and Lindsey Vogelaar, 33, who was a flight attendant at United.

Textron Aviation announced that it had earned FAA type certification for its Beechcraft King Air 360 and 360ER. The new model features IS&S autothrottles and an improved pressurization system that lowers the cabin altitude by 10% at cruise altitudes.

Honeywell's forecast for business aviation predicted a dip in aircraft deliveries in the short term, but a strong recovery in the latter part of the next decade. Forecasters also said that there seemed to be no data to support the theory that the pandemic would boost sales of business jets.

The National Business Aviation Association announced a virtual convention running December 2 and 3 of this year. The event will feature virtual experiences from keynote presentations to 3D exhibit booths. The organization was forced to cancel its 2020 Convention due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Airbus launched its ACH130 Aston Martin Edition helicopter, intended for the transport of discerning executives. The exterior features Aston Martin-themed paint schemes, and the interior is even swankier than the baseline ACH130. For the record, we'll take each of the car and the helicopter.

A float-equipped Cessna 182 crashed into a pier in New York City last weekend. A passenger was killed and the two other occupants of were critically injured in the mishap. Witnesses described the plane "skipping off the water" twice before crashing.

The Civil Air Patrol released its fiscal year numbers, and the organization had a near-record number of saves, with 130 lives saved, including one where a man fell into the near freezing Hoh River in Washington State and was rescued by a Coast Guard helicopter directed to the exact location by the CAP.

Sun 'n Fun announced a short takeoff and landing (STOL) contest as part of its first annual Holiday Flying Festival, set to take place December 4-5 of this year. Florida, which had more 3,296 new Covid-19 cases yesterday, does not prohibit large gatherings.

A U.K. company put on a staged demonstration with a paramedic using a jet pack to fly to provide aid to an "injured" girl on a mountainside to show the usefulness of using jet packs to reach victims in hard to reach areas. The jet-pack paramedic reached the girl in a fraction of the time it would have taken responders on foot to make the same trip.

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