Plane & Pilot Photo of The Week: Flying In Mittens

Who else? Bernie! The meme to end all memes has come to aviation. And we love it!

As you doubtless know, Senator Bernie Sanders (I, VT) has been in the news, well, not news exactly, but he has been our feeds, the subject of the most widespread meme just about ever. Bernie, who attended the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris wearing a mask and a pair of oversized mittens, has been photoshopped everywhere, from the right seat of a Wright Brothers side-by-side plane to the famous mysterious monolith that captured the nation's distracted imagination recently.

This one we love, because it shows Bernie doing something we think all politicians should be required by law to do on a regular basis: Go flying and gain some perspective on the world, like we pilots do!

The creator of this meme is unknown, but we'll update this story when and if we discover their identity.

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