Garmin Plane & Pilot Webinar Next Week: G5 vs. GI 275
Garmin will discuss the differences between their two popular primary flight displays, the G5 and the GI-275, and which might be the better fit for your panel and budget.

Garmin Plane & Pilot Webinar Next Week: G5 vs. GI 275
Over the years, Garmin has made a lot of exciting product introductions. But the launch of its two primary flight displays, the G5 and the GI 275, over the last few years are right at the top of that list. That's because they bring safety of flight features to planes whose owners had previously resigned themselves to forever flying behind mechanical gauges and all the potential failures and costs that entailed.
Both of these little displays are spectacularly affordable for what they offer, and they offer a lot, especially the GI 275, which has an impressive list of features and can interface with either of Garmin's two popular autopilots, the GFC 500 and GFC 600. The G5 was designed in tandem with the GFC 500, and while the GI 275 wasn't initially compatible with the lower cost but still impressively capable GFC 500, it now can play with either autopilot, along with numerous third-party autopilots, as well.
The G5 is less capable, but it brings with it the most important features of all, solid state attitude and heading, and a bright primary display with reliability that mechanical gauges could only dream of. It's also really affordable, starting at around $2,500, a price point that makes sense even for older airplanes with lower values. And because the value of used planes is increasing at a rapid pace, the value proposition for these displays (and autopilots) has only improved.
During our webinar, Garmin's Pat Coleman will be discussing the capabilities of both products, so if you're looking for basic info, Pat will have that and more. He'll also talk about one on of the hottest topics in retrofit avionics: Should you go with a G5 or a GI 275? He'll talk about the use cases, and you'll be able to ask your questions, too.
The webinar is happening next Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 1 p.m. EDT. The cost of the webinar is $20. Plane & Pilot members can tune in for free as part of their membership package. Here are the details if you're interested in becoming a member.

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