Cirrus Launches Generation Two SF50 Vision Jet
The big takeaway is an important performance improvement.

Photo courtesy of Cirrus Aircraft.
Cirrus, well known for its regular and substantial improvements to its SR22 high-performance single, has introduced the first official next-generation iteration of its SF50 Vision Jet single-engine turbofan, which took home the Collier Trophy in 2018. The model, known as the G2 is the second G2 launch. The company updated the SF-50 to G2 status a couple of years ago. This adds to the improvements, the G2 G2, if you will.
While some of the improvements, things like available Gogo InFlight WiFi, new color schemes, and newish management programs, are patently or arguably more about the lifestyle than the flying, there was one big improvement that will give owner pilots some important additional capability.
The SF50 G2 now has access to higher power for takeoff, which will allow the jet to launch with more flexibility and payload from hot and high airports. In some cases, it could mean the difference of an entire additional passenger being able to fly instead of watching the jet take off without them.
It's an especially important improvement for pilots who fly out of high airports, often located out west. Though with temperatures across the country increasing, the additional hot and high capability will be welcomed by all when temps climb.
Cirrus plans to deliver the first updated G2 aircraft next month.

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