A Photo Contest Beauty From Brent Clark
A prize-winning shot from the pilot and photographer extraordinaire reminds us of something’¦ we’ve got a new photo contest!

This week's Plane & Pilot Photo of the Week is one you might have seen before. After all, it was the cover of our July 2021 issue---well, at least part of it was! The landscape format photo wound up making a dramatic cover, though its real beauty is in its unadulterated format. It is a spectacular shot.
To get it, Clark did a couple of things that great photographers regularly do. For starters, he got up really early, when the sun is low, and the light looks golden. The second thing he did is keep his eye open for possibilities. Clark shot this one in Lakeland, Florida, at the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In. It shows a Cessna single (we're guessing Skyhawk) just parked in the mist and dewy grass for the upcoming airshow. It's one of those rare quiet moments before things get rolling at the event, and it's a special time, that is if you're up for it, and Clark surely was.
The result was a prize-winning photo in our 2021 edition of Your Flying World. We've just concluded our Wingtip Wonders contest---expect results in a coming issue---and we've launched our next contest, which is a reboot of our much beloved Your Flying World, a theme that opens the world of aviation your lens. Details on the contest can be found here. Hope you share your photographic magic with all of us!
Do you love taking photos? Enter them in our 2021 Your Flying World contest!
Miss last week's Photo of the Week? Check it out: Not Waterskiing!

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