Metroliner Full of Dogs Crash-Lands, All Survive

The weather was snowy, and questions abound.

To start off, no, none of the dogs aboard an Ameriflight Swearingen Metroliner that crashed outside of Milwaukee on Tuesday were flying the plane, but thankfully none of the five humans any of the 56 (!) dogs on board the twin turboprop commuter plane were injured in the mishap. The NTSB is investigating.

Ameriflight Swearingen SA-227AT with 3 people and 56 dogs on board makes emergency landing on a golf course in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Only non-life-threatening injuries reported.

--- Breaking Aviation News & Videos (@aviationbrk) November 15, 2022

The dogs, as part of a rescue operation, were being flown from New Orleans, Louisiana, to Waukesha, Wisconsin, according to a story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The report described the plane hitting hard, losing its wings, taking out a small tree and coming to rest on the 5th hole fairway---fore! There was no one playing at the time due to the snowy weather. Golf course workers witnessed the crash but were out of harm's way, luckily.

The dogs were reported to have survived the crash landing without major injuries, though even if there had been a sprained paw or twisted tail, it would have been better than their probable fate in Louisiana, where they were on the verge of being euthanized before being rescued by the Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha, a suburb of Milwaukee about 20 miles to the west. The crash happened at the Western Lakes Golf Club, which itself is just west of Waukesha. The humane society behind the rescue of the dogs is located on the perimeter of the Waukesha airport. No word yet on what caused the mishap. The plane was reported on the ILS to the east runway (Rwy 10) at Waukesha when it impacted the ground a few miles short of the threshold.

The three non-canine occupants went to the hospital, where they were said to have just minor injuries.

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