Changes, Part II

Part of this openness on the part of EAA to embrace change is embracing new faces. If aviation is to grow, and us long-time fliers ain’t getting any younger, then…

Changes, Part II

Part of this openness on the part of EAA to embrace change is embracing new faces. If aviation is to grow, and us long-time fliers ain't getting any younger, then we need young people to step up as the greatest generation who hangs up their headsets. That means kids, yes! But it also means women---EAA has been boosters of women pilots for more than a decade now, and its annual WomenVenture initiative is huge and is responsible for getting the interest of so many young women and girls, including a large number of women of color. Breaking down those traditional barriers to flight has to be part of a thriving future for AirVenture, and for all of aviation.

J BeckettWriter

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