Seven Mike Golf by Steven Hayes
I was attending a Fly Day sponsored by the Flying Heritage Collection (FHC). The main attraction were the warbirds but this DC-3 in Pan American Airways System livery caught my…

I was attending a Fly Day sponsored by the Flying Heritage Collection (FHC). The main attraction were the warbirds but this DC-3 in Pan American Airways System livery caught my attention. Both engines roared into life and it taxied to the active runway at Paine Field. As the pilots did their engine run up that is where I grabbed this photo. The black and white image was fitting for this truly legendary aircraft in the aviation world. I was happy to get the photo and it has become one of my personal favorites.
Canon EOS 60D, Canon EFS 18-135MM Lens
1/500, 5.6, 100
J BeckettWriter
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