Plane & Pilot Submission Guidelines

Write for Plane & Pilot: (Important: Please put the word "Submission" in the send line of your contact email.)

As you know by now, Plane & Pilot is a different kind of magazine. As a rule, instead of having one person writing a column every month for the same space, we have multiple contributors. We do this to give you a wide variety of insights, expertise, and background.

Who We're Looking For:  Aviators of all descriptions tend to be well-educated, successful, hard-working, articulate, and opinionated. We come from all walks of life and occupations, we travel widely, and we like to help other aviators every chance we get. It's in the DNA. If this sounds like you, we'd love to hear from you.

You don't have to be a published writer to contribute to Plane & Pilot, just a pilot who has a good story to tell. We can help as much as needed in turning your story into a finished piece.

What We're Looking For: There are a couple of regular opportunities for contributors to Plane & Pilot.

  • Lessons Learned about Flying (and About Life): This piece will run from 1,400-1,600 words and tell the first-person tale of an extraordinary flight. Many of our stories have involved a close call or a deeply moving experience one had while flying, or both of those things. Even low-time pilots have stories to tell for this space.
  • Risk: Are you a CFI or professional pilot who has an interesting and insightful take on how pilots can all reduce their risk? We're looking for one in-depth topic for this one. Previous Risk columns have explored subjects from the need for smart go-arounds to how to cut your risk as a volunteer medical transport pilot. About 1400 words.

What We're Not Looking For: With few exceptions, Plane & Pilot covers today's general aviation flying. We probably won't have a place for stories about commercial aviation or space flight (with the possible exception of AirFare). Other topics we don't cover are product reviews, book reviews, tributes, memoirs, poetry, fiction, academic papers or anything promotional in nature. Most of the stories we publish are between 1,500 and 2,500 words. Your subject should be clear, and the piece should be all about that topic. 

How To Submit: If you're interested in submitting a story to us, please send it with a short cover email to us at and attach the file as an MS Word document.

Thanks for your interest!