Bargain Buys on AircraftForSale: 1986 Stolp SA-100 Starduster
Looking for an affordable way to get into aircraft ownership? An experimental model may be the ticket.

This Starduster offers solo-pilot tailwheel fun for the right buyer. [Courtesy of AircraftForSale]
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1986 Stolp SA-100 Starduster
Dipping into the experimental amateur-built used airplane market takes a slightly more gregarious buyer than you might be if you're only willing to exchange your cash for a Piper or Cessna. But there are great affordable aircraft in the mix, with attributes that may be hard to find in the Part 23 certified world.
This IFR-capable Starduster comes with a standard 150 hp Lycoming O-320-E2D with Slick mags and a Sensenich wood prop. With 625 hours on the airframe and 890 hours (yes, that's possible in an experimental by putting in an already-run engine) on the powerplant since major overhaul, it's a relatively low time bird as far as piston singles are concerned, but about par for its age as a homebuilt.
Priced at $34,900, this single-seat taildragger offers the promise of solo fun for the right pilot.
READ MORE: Stolp SA-100 Stardusteer
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