Pilots Hoping For Snow In Time For Fly-In

The annual EAA skiplane event is coming up soon

Winter doesn't have to mean leaving the plane in the hangar, especially if you happen to have a plane equipped with skis. Though we usually think of it as the off season for fly-ins up north, there are still opportunities to pack some snow boots and a good pair of preflight gloves and meet up with fellow aviators. The annual EAA Skiplane Fly-In at the EAA Aviation Museum's Pioneer Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin is one such event---and it's been happing for quite a while. This year will be its 26th.

Courtesy of EAA

The fly-in will take place on Saturday, February 10. According to EAA, it has had years where as many as 25 skiplanes arrived for the event. EAA is expecting non-flying visitors to come and watch the show as well. Pilots who want to participate need to check in with EAA for approval and flight briefings before they go. In the event that February 10 in Wisconsin comes without enough snow to support skiplane landings, the rest of the activities will be held anyway. The event is free, though museum admission fees still apply.

Learn more at EAA.

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Kate is a private pilot, certificated aircraft dispatcher, and graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

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