July 2018 Crossword Key

Answers to the puzzle in the July 2018 issue of Plane & Pilot

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1 Most popular GA planes (two words)

7 One of two things a VOR might be telling you

8 A portmanteau for Gary Burrell and Min Kao's baby

9 A type of cloud or plane

10 Single-engine land, single-engine sea, helicopter, etc.

12 Optional for VFR

14 Purchase

15 Could be monocoque or welded tubing

17 Energy-saving light

18 Approached

21 Military rank grading

23 Key executive, abbr.

24 Southwest's stock symbol

26 _____ ____ parachute system, 2 words---goes with 13 down

28 Aircraft's nerve center

29 What parts use the brakes

30 Neat

31 Bombardment proponent, Le ___


1 It appears in a bank

2 Not prepared for takeoff, say

3 They form the great blue yonder

4 Engine gauge

5 Areas hardest hit by airline mergers

6 GPS provides it, abbr.

7 Banking achieves this

10 Seating area

11 What you shouldn't run

12 ___ flight checklist

13 See 26 across

15 What a tank did for the engine

16 Mooney ____ Ultra

17 The L in FL

19 Solo

20 Regulations

22 Old de Havilland engine model

25 Ice protection system

26 Waypoint, abbr.

27 Vietnamese currency

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