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Video: Young Helicopter Pilot Has Impressive Credentials

When you’re just 19 years old and you’re rated in Chinooks and Blackhawks’€¦.

Ashli Blain is a 19-year-old college student, and you know kids today, they!what? Fly Chinooks and Blackhawks! Blain, who’s going back to college after fighting fires this summer, works for Billings Flying Service in Montana, and she’s a command pilot in Blackhawks and a rated co-pilot in Chinooks. Not worthy! Blain has been flying since she was 13 years old, and has worked with her father fighting fires in the Northeast. Blain is back at school now, and she expresses regret that her studies, in accounting of all things, keeps her from being out on the front lines. Major props, Ashli!


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