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Video: The Beauty Of The American West, Low And Slow

No words will do this video justice. You simply have to see it with your own eyes. #whywefly

A screencap from Darin Sheer's video showing the beauty of the American West.
A screencap from Darin Sheer’s video showing the beauty of the American West.

Private pilot and talented YouTube videographer Darin Scheer was kind enough to let us share this video of spectacular scenes of the American West. Scheer, who’s based in Wyoming and flies a vintage Piper PA-12 (is there any other kind), says that the different parts of the video, which we hasten to add are beautifully melded, were taken throughout the west, including Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Nevada. Scheer says he flies for fun and “has an aversion to pavement.” His passion, he says, is “sharing these beautiful views and my joy of flying with others.” Same. Thanks, Darin!



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