Flight Design Aircraft In Public Service
Flight Design USA delivered another of its law enforcement CTLEi model, which is fitted with high-definition cameras and an in-flight-adjustable flood light.
While Flight Design's aircraft have become well known to pilots worldwide for flying for fun, a quiet corner of its manufacturing business has been growing. Recently, Flight Design USA delivered another of its law enforcement CTLEi model, which is fitted with high-definition cameras and an in-flight-adjustable flood light.
Roger Crow, founder of Echo Flight Resources, LLC, worked hard torefine the public-use light-sport aircraft he represents on behalf of Flight Design USA. "The integration of the public-use equipment payload for King's County, California Sheriff's Department turned out better than any of us would have imagined," said Crow. "It is something we can all be proud of."
"I have been working with Kings County Sheriff Deputy, Jerry Hunter, for more than two years to secure the purchase arrangements," reported Crow. "A great deal of time was involved confirming numerous details with the County's Board of Supervisors plus gaining approval from their Legal and Finance offices."
Despite the long journey, Crow added, "An acceptance team from the Kings County Sheriff's Department recently completed their inspection and received training on the law enforcement payload systems." Department pilots also received three hours of CTLEi familiarization flight training.
"In the highly-specialized field of public-use aircraft, we are pleased have the expertise of Roger Crow," said Tom Peghiny, president of Flight Design USA. "Naturally, we are interested to sell airplanes for such practical purposes as this, but engaging in the process requires someone who knows the procedures, language, and proper use of the equipment. Roger Crow fills that role perfectly."
In the central U.S., Crow and Flight Design USA coordinate with its distributor, Airtime Aviation, located nearby in Tulsa, Oklahoma. www.airtimeaviationus.com/

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