Get Published In Plane & Pilot

Have you had a close call or a cool aviation experience that left a lasting impression? We’d love to share your story in the magazine!

If you've had a close call or a really compelling non-mishap-related experience in an airplane, we'd love to publish your story in our popular regular feature, "Lessons Learned about Flying (and about life)."

Illustration by Gabriel Campanario

Illustrated by the remarkable Gabriel Campanario, "Lessons Learned" has become a big star in the Plane & Pilot lineup. Indeed, since we began publishing these tales of close calls and the effects they've had on the writer/pilot, the response has been huge.

We're looking for stories that are between 1,100 and 1,500 words long that tell a great story and that left a big impression on you. If you're interested, you can always write us a note outlining your experience and we'll get back to you right away. The pay is small potatoes, $101, but if your story is chosen, you'll get to work with Gabriel and have him bring your memory to life.

Email us (sorry, no phone calls or snail mail) at and put Lessons Learned Submission in the subject line.

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