Plane & Pilot Readers Respond to Richard L. Collins Death
Aviation enthusiasts share their condolences for the late aviation journalist
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On Sunday, longtime aviation journalist Richard L. Collins died. Plane & Pilot's editor Isabel Goyer shared his thoughts and memories of his friend's impact on aviation in an article on Monday.
Since the news was announced, many have posted their condolences for Collins on Plane & Pilot's social media pages. Below is a small sample of the comments.
"A man of great aviation knowledge ... incredible life and many pilots like myself learned from this man!!! Fly with the wind.." David Prokop said on Facebook.
"A wonderful writer. He captured the flyer's heart!" Carl Cline on said on Twitter.
Barbara Bradshaw commented, "May he rest in peace, condolences to his family and friends. Thanks for sharing your talent with us."
"Read many of his articles over the years and watched many DVD segments he did in Sporty's Instructional videos. Blue skies and tailwinds to you sir..." Brian Oglivie wrote on Facebook.
Jean Racine commented, "He was my inspiration as a pilot. Great loss!"
"So sorry, to read this news. I was an avid reader of his books and many articles that in turn shaped my outlook to aviation. His contribution and influence was considerable," said Phillip John Plato.
"The man knew how to put you in the airplane with his many stories! RIP!" said Anthony Moore on Facebook.
Tim Tull said, "Very sad news today for aviation. The title of legend is well founded. Richard gave us decades of well-informed instruction."

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