STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 1,050. Empty wt. 640. Fuel capacity 12. Wingspan 28′. Length 17’8″. Engine 100-hp Continental. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 108. Cruise mph 98. Stall mph 48. Climb rate…
STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 1,050. Empty wt. 640. Fuel capacity 12. Wingspan 28'. Length 17'8". Engine 100-hp Continental. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 108. Cruise mph 98. Stall mph 48. Climb rate 500. Ceiling 10,500. Takeoff distance (50') 480. Landing roll 500. Range 290. |
The Welsh Rabbit, designed by George Welsh, is a two-place trigeared homebuilt with a single high wing. Construction of the fuselage and tail group is welded steel tube covered by Dacron. The wings have externally strut-braced metal spars and metal ribs covered by Dacron and fitted with corrugated-skin aluminum ailerons.
ODEA DeveloperWriter
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