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Wingtip Wonders 2021 Winners And Finalists

Enjoy this slideshow featuring the winning and other top images from Plane & Pilot's Wingtip Wonders 2021 photo contest.

Pilots have always been able to take photographs as they were flying, but it wasn’t easy, and it was, at times, questionably smart. But the advent of the camera phone (along with the meteoric rise in its ability to capture not good but great photographs) has allowed pilots to snap away. The results are wonderful, as you will see—a window into the flights that our friends make, a glimpse of the beauty that formerly we could only describe, which was always a poor substitute. So, to all who entered our Wingtip Wonders photo contest, thank you! And to our finalists and winners, thanks, and congratulations! 

SECOND PLACE: Victor Over Harpers Ferry by David Prasek

SECOND PLACE: Victor Over Harpers Ferry by David Prasek

David Prasek captured this remote shot from a camera mounted on the wingtip of this pretty Cessna 172 RG Cutlass over Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. About the shot, Prasek wrote, “I recently purchased a GoPro and exterior camera mounts. I was looking for new and creative angles to update our website media. I had never seen photos taken from this point of view, and I thought it would be unique. I used this format on several other airplanes in various backdrops, but this one stands out. Harpers Ferry makes the perfect backdrop for us flying in the Frederick area. I was lucky to time the flight to maximize the natural light and show the landscape and the playful paint scheme of the Cessna 172 Cutlass.” GoPro HERO9 Black; fixed lens with NFlightCam exterior ballhead mount; Apple iPhone 11 with GoPro mobile app for remote control. 1/1000 sec; f/2.5; ISO 156.

Do you love taking photographs of airplanes or while flying? Enter your best photos in our Your Flying World contest today!


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